Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Decisions.... Decisions

Now that the class has finally finished the instructions project and given the new assignment, it is time to start..... or is it? We have gotten into our groups and did some initial introductions, ect., but when it comes to the actual project, we ran into some decision making. Once we each have talked to our individual bosses, mentors and co-workers, we had some trouble in finding a legitimate technical document that is needed to be made for a company.  Either there was nothing needed or nothing lengthy enough for the whole group to comtribiute or too specific for the whole group to have knowledge about.  I wish the assignment of "a technical document" is a little more specific so there are aren't sooooo many options to find and choose from.

At the moment, we have some more possible alternatives for the decision of our final project topic.  Hopefully there will be one topic that everyone can agree on, will be enough for mutual group work and simple enough for all in our group to be somewhat knowledgeable about.  With all of these points met, it is more than likely that there will be none of the "bad" characteristics of group members as portrayed in the previuos articles.

Have any other groups also had trouble or are still having trouble deciding on a topic?


  1. We had trouble at first finding someone who was available. It was tough to find a client who had a project available for us, but now we're working with the PEER/WISE office.

    Thus, we found that it really helped to go and talk to the people/clubs we had connections with. That way, we already knew the person.

    If you run out of ideas, just ask your friends what clubs they are in and if they need anything done in those clubs. What's the harm in trying? Good luck!

  2. Don't forget that you can do many little projects. That might be beneficial for you and your group because then you can do a project idea from each person. If you are having a hard time deciding on which topic to choose, that might be the best choice.

  3. To begin with, we also had difficulty finding something where the whole group could utilize their personal expertise. We were able to rectify this by coming up with a project where we are able to easily research the information needed to complete the project.

    We also thought about lengthening our project by providing more than one form of technical writing document for the same information. For instance, creating a documented research paper as well as putting our information together in a pamphlet form. This could be a helpful idea.

  4. I work at the Clemson Engineering Technologies Labratory and my group is going to come up with an information pamphlet of all the research that is going on out there. We are all going to have a section that dicusses what this lab is capable of doing.
