Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Modelling uncertainty in fault tree analyses (concerning automatic transmissions)

This scholarly article models uncertainty in automotive automatic transmission using fault tree analyses.  The reason for the high demand in this field recently is the growing interest for safe vehicles.  In creating a successfully marketed transmission, all of the possible predictions for failures will be carefully taken into consideration.  Automatic transmissions specifically are more complicated to deal with fault analyses due to the combination of mechanic technology and modern electronics.
When I was in some of my earlier discrete mathematics and basic electrical engineering classes, I never thought that Boolean algebra would be so useful in modeling.  Here the whole, "Early Design Stage Fault Tree of an Automatic Transmission" is modeled thoroughly using Boolean algebra.  For example, the head of the tree is "Critical Failure of Transmission".  This is the head because it is the general problem in question.  Next in question is more specifically of why there is this problem, so an "OR" gate is used followed by the options of "Clutch System Fails", "Critical Gearbox Failure", or "Gearbox Electronics Fails".  For each one of these possible problems there are following options of what led to these failures.
With the overall use of other gates such as the "AND" gate, the model gets very specific and can make pin pointing the cause of a failure in an automatic transmission.  In conclusion, the model also represents the numerous "pitfalls" of having an automatic transmission compared to a manual transmission.  Later in the article is also shown the probabilities of each of these failures, proving that these transmissions are more likely to fail.  A study like this can be of high importance when deciding on the options for your new/used car.  Was there any specific reason you chose the type of transmission in your current car?

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