Tuesday, September 7, 2010

There's an introduction?

When buying something new especially if its exciting, most people open the box and try to use it as soon as possible.  Every time for the most part there is this little thing call the "Instruction Manual" that is included in the box that people overlook.  There are those "rare" times when the manual actually needs to be read in order to figure out how to put the product together or know how it works.  Me personally, does usually open the manual, but basically go straight to the needed section and then by the end of the day, the manual is lost.  Anyway, i never bothered to notice that there was the "Introduction" section before what we learned in class.  This section so far seems to be a pretty important part considering it can be the longest single section in the whole manual.

Now that we have been given the task to create our own manual including an "Introduction" section, i find myself needing more help to write it than i think i would need in future sections.  I assume this is because i don't think i have ever read one all the way through.  I personally am doing my manual on how to do the laundry and may specify it for a certain type of clothing, but not sure yet. What are your manual's going to be about and do you feel like the "Introduction" will be one of the more difficult parts to complete?


  1. I am going to explain how to change the oil in my truck. The introduction will definitely be lengthy because I have to explain part names and locations, tools and supplies, why it is important to change the oil, and several warnings. So, for me, it is not difficult. But I can see how for some, writing an introduction for their subject can be challenging. You probably don't need to include everything that is recommended in the outline, because not all tasks require all of that information. It just depends what you are instructing people to do.

  2. My instructions will be on explaining how to use Adobe Illustrator to trace images, and I think the introduction is going be difficult since I'll have to explain what Illustrator is and what it can do to people who don't know. While I think learning how to write introductions is important, I think the real challenge will be writing the actual directions since that's what people are really counting on for help.

  3. You and I both share the same sentiments when it comes to instructions. You post basically express the same feelings my last blog expressed. I never noticed them, therefore did not see their importance. After our class discussion I have a new awareness of the importance but difficulty determining what is important to put in my own manual. My topic is how to strengthen you butt muscles, therefore I chose to keep my introduction short, after the "workshop" last week, I think I am on the right track.
