Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This Would Be Easier If......

.... I was on my own? Or maybe with some different people? Sometimes I ask myself these questions when I am part of a group project or team.  I personally really like to work in groups for the most part, because it takes the stress off of having to do everything and having someone right there to review your work.... or is there anyone there? Sometimes I get stuck in these groups or pairs when there are what I like to call "slackers" and so they aren't there to peer review or for that matter do anything.  There are also, the times when there's the one or two "members" that show up, but sit on the side lines.  There are no 2nd string players in this team!  Lastly, there have been the ones that insist on doing most of the work and then complain about how no one else did anything on the team review sheet.  Don't get me wrong, there are students that are easy to work with, do work and split responsibilities, but these are rare seeds.
Hopefully I have some rare seeds in my group, which I think it sounds safe to bet on for now after we talked.
Does anyone have any horror stories with team projects?

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